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The One Box is constantly looking for ways to expand its reach to provide fresh produce to more people in need. One of the ways in which we support our community is through The Fresh Food Project. The Fresh Food Project supports charities, councils, universities and community groups across Australia by providing access to affordable, high-quality, fresh produce and staple boxes at approximately 50% off the recommended retail value.

One such beneficiary is St Anthony’s Primary School Hub in Victoria, who recently received a grant to provide 50 additional families with fresh, high-quality fruit and veg for over 14 weeks. The school has been organising Pop-up Food Markets since November 2022 as a means to distribute these fresh food boxes to families who have relatively low income, and elevated rates of early school leaving, within the suburb of Noble Park.

“Currently, St Anthony’s is fortunate to work with the generosity of The One Box who provide a box of fresh fruit, vegetables, milk and bread to 20 families each week. These families are specifically identified by the school well-being team. Recently we have seen an increase in parents and community members also expressing a need for fresh fruit and vegetables.

Our newly established Pop-Up Market, funded by the Department of Families Fairness and Housing, has enabled us to provide 50 additional boxes fortnightly along with other culturally appropriate food staples. The fruit and vegetable boxes are helping to ensure families facing vulnerability in our community can easily access healthy food relief in a dignified way. Families have been overwhelmed by the quality and variety of fruit and vegetables in each box.”

– Lisa Occhietti, Community Hub Leader

If you’re interested in bulk deliveries of fresh food for your community, please reach out to us at or place an order here. The One Box team can also assist you in your funding or grant applications for community fresh food.

Get a quick, no-obligation quote from us today